18 January 2017

Amazon AWS Key Management Service with Android

I recently came across Amazon AWS's new Key Management Service (KMS). This seemed like a pretty cool idea so I thought I'd give it a go and see if I could get Amazon to manage my keys on Android.

The idea is pretty straightforward, Amazon host your secure keys for you, so you can encrypt and decrypt without having to worry about key management and storage. As far as I know KMS currently supports only symmetric encryption.

Here's how to use the Amazon Web Services console to create a Key Management Service (KMS) key:

  1. Goto AWS management console and click services, under Security and Compliance click IAM
  2. Goto groups on the left menu and click create new group
    1. Create a group and name and click next
    2. Search for “AWSKeyManagementServicePowerUser” and check it, click next
  3. Goto users on the left menu and click add user
    1. Give the user a name “kms_user” or something
    2. Click programatic access
    3. You should see your group in the add user to group section, check this
    4. Click next
  4. Click Encryption Keys at the bottom
    1. Give the key a name
    2. Do not give the key any administrators, for this tutorial the account owner will be the only one who can administer this key. Click next.
    3. Give your kms_user user account use permissions for the key
    4. Click next and finish adding the key
  5. Setup Android Studio
    compile 'com.amazonaws:aws-android-sdk-kms:2.2.+'

You should now have an encryption key and be ready to start coding. For the Android part of this I used two Async tasks. You could do this in a service but it needs to be off the main UI thread as it's a network call.

public class AsyncEncrypt extends AsyncTask<String, String, ByteBuffer>{

    private static final String TAG = AsyncEncrypt.class.getSimpleName();

    public interface AsyncEncryptListener {
        void processFinish(ByteBuffer cipherText);

    private AsyncEncryptListener listener;

    protected ByteBuffer doInBackground(String... strings) {

        final AWSCredentials creds = new AWSCredentials() {
            public String getAWSAccessKeyId() {
                return "xxx";

            public String getAWSSecretKey() {
                return "yyy";

        AWSKMSClient kms = new AWSKMSClient(creds);

        String keyId = "zzzzz";
        ByteBuffer bytePlainText = ByteBuffer.wrap(strings[0].getBytes());

        EncryptRequest req = new EncryptRequest().withKeyId(keyId).withPlaintext(bytePlainText);
        ByteBuffer ciphertext = kms.encrypt(req).getCiphertextBlob();

        Log.d(TAG, "onCreate: " + ciphertext.toString());

        return ciphertext;

    protected void onPostExecute(ByteBuffer cipherText) {
        if(listener != null){

    public void setListener(AsyncEncryptListener listener){
        this.listener = listener;


public class AsyncDecrypt extends AsyncTask<ByteBuffer, String, String>{

     private static final String TAG = AsyncDecrypt.class.getSimpleName();

     public interface AsyncDecryptListener {
        void processFinish(String plainText);

     private AsyncDecryptListener listener;

    protected String doInBackground(ByteBuffer... ciphertextBlob) {

         final AWSCredentials creds = new AWSCredentials() {
            public String getAWSAccessKeyId() {
                return "xxx";

            public String getAWSSecretKey() {
                return "yyy";

         AWSKMSClient kms = new AWSKMSClient(creds);

         DecryptRequest req = new DecryptRequest().withCiphertextBlob(ciphertextBlob[0]);
        ByteBuffer plainText = kms.decrypt(req).getPlaintext();

         String decoded = new String(plainText.array());
        Log.d(TAG, "onCreate: " + decoded);

         return decoded;

    protected void onPostExecute(String plainText) {
        if(listener != null){

     public void setListener(AsyncDecryptListener listener){
        this.listener = listener;

That's pretty much it. You create a set of AWS credentials supplying the security data given to you in the console for your user, then pass those credentials to the KMS client and make an encryption request.

The only other thing you might want to consider is whether it's worth it or not, in order to use KMS on Android you've got to store your secret key and access key somewhere. If an attacker can get those, they can access your encryption key. It's the classic chicken and egg scenario that distributed systems suffer from again and again. Oh well, it was a neat experiment.

At least it means it's much easier to rotate keys without having to re-release a new app!