30 May 2013

Railo Rest JSON Web Service

So I've been writing lots of REST web services lately with Railo 4.0 and noticed a strange issue / feature when returning json.

So I write me a nice little function and I think everything will work with a little CFML magic:

    <cffunction name="getmuppets" access="remote" returntype="string" httpmethod="GET" restpath="/getmuppets">
            var arrMuppets    = [
                {name = "kermit", age = 20},
                {name = "fuzzy", age = 30},
                {name = "animal", age = 40}
            return serializeJson(arrMuppets)

All good? No :( The json is fine when you call the function locally, but when you call it as a rest webservice all the double quotes get escaped. Which renders it invalid json and is not much use for anything.

So I eventually figured out you've got to change the headers and content returned by the function.
    <cffunction name="getmuppets" access="remote" produces="application/json" httpmethod="GET" restpath="/getmuppets">
            var arrMuppets    = [
                {name = "kermit", age = 20},
                {name = "fuzzy", age = 30},
                {name = "animal", age = 40}
            response    = {
                status        = 200,
                headers        = {},
                content        = serializeJson(arrMuppets)

Once you do all that, you get valid json:


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